What is anorexia nervosa? "Anorexia Nervosa
It is a chronic neurological disease of the group eating disorders diseases. This disease causes mainly severe wasting of the patient, where it appears as a structure skeleton in the worst cases. And that the patient can get anorexia nervosa serious medical complexities that can lead to death
The symptoms include:
1. Acute fear of gaining weight.
2. The firm belief that the body warped.
3. Miss at least three consecutive menstrual cycles (for girls).
4. Refused to eat or eat and then purge the bowel.
5. Starvation.
6. Ease compulsory weight, by exercising violent sport.
This disease is known globally as the "anorexia", which literally means (loss of appetite), but this label is inaccurate. In fact, people with suppresses the disease anorexia nervosa feelings of hunger, in order to control the desire to eat, and do so by preparing food for others and to refrain from eating or hide their share of the food on the pretext that they are going to eat later
... :: Who gets nutrition disorder "anorexia nervosa"? :: ...
Like all eating disorders, diseases, can be infected anyone anorexia nervosa, regardless of age,sex and nationality. And often get more teenagers anorexia nervosa before or after puberty, but can also occur as a reaction to any major change in life. And anorexia nervosa affects mainly teenage disease, also affects men and older women.
The reason for the acquisition of this behavior on younger women is their tendency to maintain a strict diet to achieve the body "Perfect." This behavior reflects the obsessive social and cultural pressure on girls than Ahahant in advertising and the media. And it can get other segments of society eating disorders, such as athletes, actors, and dancers, fashion models, TV personalities that have become slim for them requirement for goodwill and professionalism. For the person with nutrition disorder only main concern becomes the dominant stay on weight and forget everything around him and in his life
... ::: How many people who suffer from anorexia nervosa? ::: ...
Statistics say that half to one percent of females in the United States infected with anorexia nervosa. Because more than 90 percent of these are teenage girls and young women, the disease has been circulating as a "special disease, adolescent girls." Although many of the males and children seven years of age have been diagnosed with the disease; in addition to women from the age of 50, 60, 70, even 80 years
:: How to lose weight? ::: ...
Usually they lose people with anorexia nervosa weight by reducing the amount of the total diet and exercise excessively. And identifies many of the people the value of the food they eat less than 1,000 calories a day. And avoid greasy food, rich in calories and avoid meat. Diet may include some people infected almost anorexia nervosa a little bit of vegetables and low in calories, such as lettuce, carrots, or popcorn.
... :: What are the symptoms of anorexia nervosa?
Of the main symptoms of anorexia nervosa, preoccupation with food and refused to maintain normal body weight minimum. As one of the most frightening feature of this disease is the patient's belief that a fat even when it seems like the skeleton, where nails and bones become fragile, and their skin may become dry and yellow. As suffering from severe depression, and unity, and feeling cold in most cases because of the low degree of their body heat from a lack of nutrition. As you might grow light hair on their bodies is called (fluff baby).
Also, it develops People with neurological loss of appetite, strange eating habits such as cutting their food into tiny pieces, refusing to eat in front of others, or business meals to others without that eat them themselves. And acquires food and weight on the thinking of these people and become ho-hum, how to get rid of the next meal!
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